The judicial power of the Tribe shall be vested in the Tribal Council until such time as Tribal court(s) or other appropriate forums may from time to time be established by ordinance(s) for that purpose. Said ordinance(s) shall ensure the impartiality and independence of the judiciary by specifying causes and procedures for removal and prohibiting reductions in rates of compensation greater than those that may be applied to the Tribal Council and/or the Tribal Chairperson; define the jurisdiction of each court created there under; specify the manner of selection, term of office and qualifications of judges; and provide for the adoption of the procedures under which each court shall function. In special circumstances as defined by appropriate ordinance, the Tribal Council shall sit as a Tribal trial or appellate court. The Tribal judicial system, whenever possible, shall give full recognition and weight to Tribal customs, including traditional methods of mediation and dispute resolution.