We, the People of the Klamath and Modoc Tribes and the Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians, [hereafter referred to as the Klamath Tribe(s)] do hereby establish and adopt this Constitution for the government of our General Council in order to recognize our Tribes for the continued preservation of its culture, identity, and to provide a responsible organization to carry out the official business of the Tribe including our Treaty rights.
By adoption of this Constitution we act to clarify the misconceptions that exist regarding the effect of the Klamath Termination Act (25 USC S 564 et. seq.) by stating to all people that the Klamath Tribes never ceased to exist and that the effect to termination was the eligibility of our members to receive services from the federal government, through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Therefore, Public Law 99-398, was approved on. August 26, 1986 allowing for the Restoration of Federal recognition for the Klamath Tribes.
By adoption of this Constitution we hereby establish ourselves as a body which, along with its appropriate committees, commissions, corporations and boards shall act to represent the Klamath Tribes in its full relationships with the United States government, the State of Oregon, other Indian tribes and associations, and all other persons or bodies.
In adopting this Constitution we recognize the authority of the Tribal Committees formed by the General Council in April of 1975 to deal with the administration of our treaty and other rights and we recognize the authority of our elected Officials hereafter referred to as "Tribal Council."
In adopting this Constitution it is our goal and intent to provide a Constitution with amendments to the Constitutions of February 3, 1950. Amendment dates are April 13, 1996, August 17, 1996, November 21, 1998, Novemeber 25, 2000, and November 19, 2011 to adapt it to the Klamath Tribes.