Section 1. General Authority
The legislature of the Osage Nation shall provide for the utilization, development and conservation of all natural resources within the territory of the Nation for the maximum benefit of the Osage People.
Section 2. Osage Mineral Estate
The oil, gas, coal, and/or other minerals within the boundaries of the Osage Reservation are hereby reserved to the Osage Nation pursuant to the Act of June 28, 1906, (34 Stat. 539), as amended, and is hereby designated the Osage Mineral Estate.
Section 3. Osage Mineral Royalties
The right to income from mineral royalties shall be respected and protected by the Osage Nation through the Osage Minerals Council formerly known as the Osage Tribal Council and composed of eight (8) members elected by the mineral royalty interest holders.
Section 4. Management of the Osage Mineral Estate
The mineral estate of the Osage Reservation is reserved to the Osage Nation. The government of the Osage Nation shall have the perpetual obligation to ensure the preservation of the Osage Mineral Estate. The government shall further ensure that the rights of members of the Osage Nation to income derived from that mineral estate are protected. To discharge those obligations, the Osage Nation hereby creates a minerals management agency, designated the Osage Minerals Council, consisting of members of the Osage Nation who are entitled to receive mineral royalty income from the Osage Mineral Estate, as provided by federal law. Only Osage mineral royalty interest holders shall be entitled to vote in electing the Osage Minerals Council.
The Osage Minerals Council is recognized by the Osage Nation government as an independent agency within the Osage Nation established for the sole purpose of continuing its previous duties to administer and develop the Osage Mineral Estate in accordance with the Osage Allotment Act of June 28, 1906, as amended, with no legislative authority for the Osage Nation government. As an independent agency within the Osage Nation, the Osage Minerals Council may promulgate its own rules and regulations as long as such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the laws neither of the Osage Nation nor with the rules and regulations established by the United States Congress in the 1906 Allotment Act.
The Osage Minerals Council shall have the power to consider and approve leases and to propose other forms of development of the Osage Mineral Estate. Mineral leases approved and executed by the Council shall be deemed approved by the Osage Nation unless, within five (5) working days, written objection is received from the Office of the Principal Chief that the executed lease or other development activity violates Osage law or regulation. Any dispute that arises through this process may be heard before the Supreme Court of the Osage Nation Judiciary.
All leases or other forms of agreement for development of the Osage Mineral Estate shall comply with applicable federal law and all laws and regulations of the Osage Nation. The Osage Minerals Council shall exercise the administrative authority delegated under this Constitution, the laws of the Osage Nation, and as permitted by federal law.
Section 5. Preservation of hunting and fishing
Hunting and fishing and the taking of game and fish are a valued part of our heritage that shall be forever preserved for the Osage People and shall be managed by Osage law and regulation for the public good.