ARTICLE III - Membership:
Section 1.
Base membership roll: The base membership of the Osage Nation shall consist of those persons whose names appear on the final roll of the Osage Tribe of Indians pursuant to the Act of June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 539).
Section 2.
Qualifications for membership: All lineal descendants of those Osages listed on the 1906 Roll are eligible for membership in the Osage Nation, and those enrolled members shall constitute
the citizenry subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to the laws enacted and regulations approved pursuant to this Constitution.
Section 3.
Dual enrollment: An enrolled member of the Osage Nation can choose to be dually enrolled as a member of another Indian tribe without forfeiting Osage membership.
Section 4.
Membership laws: The Osage Nation Congress shall have the power and is required to regulate membership and maintain a correct roll of all Osages enrolled as members of
the Osage Nation. The Osage Nation Congress shall enact laws, not inconsistent with this Constitution, prescribing rules and regulations governing membership, including application and appeal procedures, loss of membership, and the adoption of members.